The Municipality of Jasper is asking tenants and landlords to provide input on recent changes in the local rental market amid housing challenges after the 2024 wildfire.
In recent weeks, some residents have reported rent increases and updates to lease terms, while landlords face rising costs and other pressures that influence rental pricing and lease agreements.
“Housing was already a challenge in Jasper before the wildfire, and we recognize that recent changes may be making it even more difficult for some residents,” said CAO Bill Given in a news release. “By collecting this information, we hope to better understand the current rental environment and explore what options may be available.”
Jasper’s critical housing shortage had been a community issue for years and was further exacerbated after the town lost 30 per cent of its housing stock in last summer’s wildfire. Interim housing has provided relief to some families, but many continue to face housing insecurity.
Amid this shortage, some tenants have reported rent increases as high as 50 per cent.
As for updates to lease terms, the municipality noted these have included changes to pet policies, occupancy limits and rental conditions that may impact families.
To gain a clearer picture of the current rental landscape, the municipality is asking tenants who have received official communications about rent increases or lease term changes to voluntarily share this information.
Landlords who have recently adjusted rental rates or lease conditions are also asked to provide insight, if willing.
The municipality emphasized it was only collecting data at this time to assess the situation and understand how many residents and property owners are affected. No policy decisions have yet been made.
Submissions can be sent to [email protected] by March 17.