Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,
About a month ago, my daughter and her boyfriend were driving through Jasper, down to Vancouver to attend a memorial service for my daughter’s grandfather. They got pulled over in Jasper by the local constabulary and the car was impounded and they found themselves in a bit of a pickle. I spent some time looking at options for them, not easy since they also had a puppy in a crate. Luckily, they were able to catch a ride to Kamloops with a man who was heading there to visit his girlfriend. Problem solved and normally I would be sending a big thank you for the kindness of strangers. In this case, however, I have to send a big shame on you for charging these kids $600 for a ride, plus $80 for gas! I just hope that there is some big fat karma heading down the pipe for taking advantage of someone else and their predicament.
Bev Mitchell
Vancouver, B.C.