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Local MLA named parliamentary secretary for rural health

West Yellowhead MLA Martin Long was named parliamentary secretary for rural health last week. Long previously served as parliamentary secretary for small business. “Rural Health care delivery has been a top concern in my role as MLA,” Long said.
WY_candidate headshot
Martin Long

West Yellowhead MLA Martin Long was named parliamentary secretary for rural health last week.

Long previously served as parliamentary secretary for small business.

“Rural Health care delivery has been a top concern in my role as MLA,” Long said.

“I am honored to be named Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Health and look forward to supporting the Minister of Health, Adriana LaGrange, to bring solutions to the issues that exist in accessing healthcare in rural Alberta.”

Parliamentary secretaries assist ministers on issues important to Albertans.

They help achieve the government’s commitments by working with Albertans and partner organizations and businesses.

Premier Danielle Smith also named seven other parliamentary secretaries and the government’s deputy house leaders.

“I’m so pleased these members have agreed to take on duties in addition to their regular MLA responsibilities,” Smith said in a news release.

“The work they will do is vital to ensuring that we can make real progress on initiatives in these ministries. Together, Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries will continue working to keep Alberta the best place to live, work, and raise a family.”

Jasper Fitzhugh

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