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Letter: CPC candidate race for Yellowhead County

"Due to the changes in the boundaries of the federal Yellowhead riding, this means that if Gerald Soroka gets elected again, he won't even be living in the riding he's supposed to represent."

Due to the changes in the boundaries of the federal Yellowhead riding, this means that if Gerald Soroka gets elected again, he won't even be living in the riding he's supposed to represent.

Furthermore, with both Banff and Canmore added to the Yellowhead Constituency, considering that Gerald barely visited the western part of his riding, other than when electioneering, what are the chances that he'll show much interest in his constituents here now?

In addition, all that he needs to qualify to get a full pension is one more term in office, any bets that as soon as he achieves it, he'll be retiring?

Ron Rosmer,

Hinton, Alta.

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