Unfortunately, police are very limited in what they can do to investigate crime. Often, organized criminals depend upon the co-operation of their neighbours in order to continue their activities. Police can not be everywhere so it is far more likely that a citizen will witness a crime instead of a police officer. Criminals often use this knowledge to their advantage, realizing that people tend to not get involved and depend on people turning a blind eye.
While turning a blind eye may save time and keep people safely anonymous, it does very little to ensure the safety of our homes and community. Perhaps the property being damaged or stolen doesn’t belong to a witness, but allowing a criminal activity to go unnoticed risks a repeat offence, possibly next time effecting that witness’s home or property directly.
What about the so-called victimless crimes? Perhaps a neighbour has a grow-op in their basement. So they are making a little money on the side, who cares? The risk comes when such activity brings a dangerous element into the community. Most grow-ops are financed and supported by organized criminals who trade in illegal weapons and harder drugs, both of which kill people. Such activity can also affect the reputation of a community, which in turn can stifle investment from legitimate business.
What of crimes against women or children? If abuse or assault is not reported, the activity can continue to affect the victims for years. The police cannot intervene if they don’t know about it.
Crime Stoppers provides a way for people to get involved while remaining anonymous. Calls made to Crime Stoppers are picked up in a call centre in Toronto so there is no risk of accidentally being recognized, also the call is never traced or recorded. Likewise, using the Internet to report a tip is also untraceable as the IP addresses are scrubbed. People choosing to give tips through Crime Stoppers will never speak with a police officer and will never have to testify in court. Also, any tip that results in a conviction is eligible for a cash reward.
If you have information about any crime and wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. You can still do your part.