Peter Shokeir | [email protected]
As the Fitzhugh is updating its media kit, we requested updated website statistics from our IT people, which yielded rather odd results.
Our old statistics were about four-years old so some differences were expected.
However, when it came to what devices readers are using to read the Fitzhugh online, the new percentages between desktop and mobile were practically reversed compared to the previous data.
About four years prior, 62 per cent of users had been reading Jasper’s weekly newspaper on their desktop, while only 25 per cent had used a mobile. The remaining 13 per cent were using tablets.
Come to 2021 and we now see that 70 per cent of users are visiting the Fitzhugh through their mobile devices. Now only 23 per cent use a desktop.
The tablet was only seven per cent, still the smallest sliver of the pie and experiencing a decrease.
But why are the percentages for desktop versus mobile practically the opposite of what they once were?
According to our IT people, trends in media consumption have shifted significantly in recent years.
While there are still plenty of people on desktops, more are now receiving their news by browning through Facebook on their phone.
These users tend to only click on one article and go back to Facebook, as opposed to desktop users, who stick around to look through our website.
Is this a good trend? A bad one? Just the way it is now?
Probably a mix of all the above. I won’t chastise people for consuming media in a certain way, as users are still getting informed.
But those on their mobiles should take the time to venture further into our website, as you may never know what other articles the Fitzhugh has put out for the week.
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