Dear editor,
Through internet-based social media, I have become acquainted with the research of Jasper resident and musician, Monika Schaefer, regarding aspects of the Second World War. However, independent research is deemed unacceptable by some with vested interests in Orwellian suppression of factual information, and I have thus also read some pretty hateful personal attacks against Monika Schaefer in the letters section of various Jasper publications.
We all have the basic human right of freedom of speech, an essential weapon in the ongoing fight against possible tyranny, no matter where on the globe we live, and those that condemn researchers have just as much right to do so as the researcher has to publish results and opinions that contradict the widely-held paradigm, but these views can and should be debated with courtesy and politeness.
Furthermore, our individual responsibility to seek out and proclaim the truth as we understand it should be defended and applauded by those governed by their conscience.
Dr. Neville Jones
Highlands & Islands,